

  • 3D-printimise kuvamudel

    3D-printimise kuvamudel

    Bamboo scene model Scene, size: 3M*5M*0.1M Production equipment: SHDM SLA 3D printer 3DSL-800, 3DSL-600Hi Product design inspiration: The original design spirit of the product is jumping and collision. The dot mirror space of black polka echoes with the bamboo growing in the mountains and the bas...
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  • Suur skulptuur 3D-printimine-Veenuse kuju

    Suur skulptuur 3D-printimine-Veenuse kuju

    For the advertising display industry, whether you can produce the display model you need quickly and at low cost is an important factor in whether you can accept orders. Now with 3D printing, everything is solved. It only takes two days to make a statue of Venus that is more than 2 meters high. S...
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  • 3D-printimise otsekasutusega osad

    3D-printimise otsekasutusega osad

    Many non-standard parts are not required for large quantities in use, and can’t be processed by CNC machine tools. The cost of mold opening production is too high, but this part has to be used. So, consider 3D printing technology. Case Brief The customer has a product, one of the gear parts is ma...
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  • Meditsiinilise rakenduse juhtum: 3D-printimistehnoloogia kasutamine keha bioloogilise mudeli valmistamiseks

    Meditsiinilise rakenduse juhtum: 3D-printimistehnoloogia kasutamine keha bioloogilise mudeli valmistamiseks

    In order to better explain to the customer the specific location of the drug operation, a pharmaceutical company decided to make a biological model of the body to achieve better demonstration and explanation, and entrusted our company to complete the overall printing production and external overa...
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  • 3D-printimise meditsiiniline mudel

    3D-printimise meditsiiniline mudel

    Medical background: For general patients with closed fractures, splinting is commonly used for treatment. Common splint materials are gypsum splint and polymer splint. Using 3D scanning technology combined with 3D printing technology can produce customized splints, which are more beautiful and li...
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  • 3D printing shoe mold

    3D printing shoe mold

    In recent years, the application of 3D printing technology in the field of shoemaking has gradually entered a stage of maturity. From model shoe molds to polished shoe molds, to production molds, and even finished shoe soles, all can be obtained through 3D printing. Well-known shoe companies at h...
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  • 3D printed transparent model

    3D printed transparent model

    Equipment used: SLA 3d printer Materials used: Colorless transparent photosensitive resin material or multi-color optional semi-transparent photosensitive resin material. 100 transparent 3D printing Transparent 3D printing + painting Transparent 3D printing steps: The first step: first obtain ...
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  • Läbipaistev 3D-printeri mudel

    Läbipaistev 3D-printeri mudel

    What kind of 3d printer is commonly used for 3d printing transparent model? Use industrial sla 3d printer. What kind of materials are commonly used for 3d printing transparent models? Materials are generally colorless transparent photosensitive resin materials. 3d printing transparent photosensi...
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  • Kuidas realiseerida 3D-printimise mudeli kruvide isekeermestamist

    Kuidas realiseerida 3D-printimise mudeli kruvide isekeermestamist

    Keeratavat isekeermestamist nimetatakse ka koputamiseks, mis võhikule ei pruugi selge olla. Tegelikult tähendab see tööriista abil niidita detaili niidi valmistamist, see tähendab kruvi või mutri väljatõmbamist. 3D-printimise mudeli jaoks on sageli vaja koputamist, eriti montaažiosade valmistamisel. 3D r ...
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  • Milliseid materjale saab kasutada vaigu 3D-printeris

    Milliseid materjale saab kasutada vaigu 3D-printeris

    Praegu sisaldavad turul olevad vaiguga 3D-printerid mitmesuguseid tehnoloogiatüüpe: Sla, Lcd ja dlp. Resin 3D-printerid on hea valik 3D-printimise valdkonnas tegutsevatele inimestele, kuna need masinad on kiired ja täpsed ning suudavad toota väga erinevaid materjalide lühikese aja jooksul, muutes need ...
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  • Kuidas asendada sobimatud osad 3D-printimistehnoloogiaga?

    Kuidas asendada sobimatud osad 3D-printimistehnoloogiaga?

      Hiljuti kavatseb kodumaise plasttoodete tootmisega tegeleva ettevõtte uurimis- ja arendusmeeskond kasutada alumiiniumprofiilikoosseisu enda disaini, et asendada algselt imporditud toorik. Imporditud lisaseadmed on suhteliselt kallis teine, kokkupanekupiirang, nii et mõelge oma kujundusele pärast minekut ...
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  • Õhuringluse testi 3D-trüki korpus

    Õhuringluse testi 3D-trüki korpus

    Hiljuti võttis kuulsa Shanghai ülikooli energeetika ja energeetika ülikool kasutusele laboratoorse õhuringluse testi lahendamiseks 3D-printimistehnoloogia. Kooli teadusuuringute meeskond kavandas algselt traditsioonilise töötlemise ja lihtsa vormi ...
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