
  • Handheld 3d Scanner- 3DSHANDY-49LS

    Handheld 3d Scanner- 3DSHANDY-49LS

    3DSHANDY-49LS is a handheld 3d scanner with high work efficiency and high scanning detail performance.

    Handheld design, easy to carry, ready to use, strong adaptability.

    Advanced blue light technology, 13 pairs of cross laser beams + 11 pairs of fine scanning laser beams + 1 deep-hole scanning laser beam.
    Dual industrial cameras, automatic marking point stitching technology with scanning software, supporting photogrammetry and self-calibration technology.
    The scanning plan can be flexibly formulated according to user needs.
  • Handheld 3d Scanner- 3DSHANDY-30LS

    Handheld 3d Scanner- 3DSHANDY-30LS

    3DSHANDY-30LS is a handheld 3d scanner with light weight (0.92kg) and is easy to carry.

    22 laser lines + additional 1 beam scanning deep hole + additional 7 beams to scan details, a total of 30 laser lines.

    Fast scanning speed, high precision, strong stability, dual industrial cameras, automatic marker splicing technology and self-developed scanning software, ultra-high scanning accuracy and work efficiency.

    This product has been widely used in the field of reverse engineering and three-dimensional inspection. The scanning process is flexible and convenient, suitable for various complex application scenarios.

  • Handheld 3d Scanner- 3DSHANDY-41LS

    Handheld 3d Scanner- 3DSHANDY-41LS

    Handheld design, easy to carry, ready to use, high work efficiency, strong adaptability, high scanning detail performance.

    Advanced blue light technology, 13 pairs of cross laser beams + 7 pairs of fine scanning laser beams + 1 deep-hole scanning laser beam
    Dual industrial cameras, automatic marking point stitching technology with scanning software, supporting photogrammetry and self-calibration technology.
    The scanning plan can be flexibly formulated according to user needs.
  • სტრუქტურირებული ნათელი 3D სკანერი-3DSS-MINI-III

    სტრუქტურირებული ნათელი 3D სკანერი-3DSS-MINI-III

    Structured light 3D scanner-3DSS-MINI-III is a 3DSS series of accurate 3D scanners.


    • განკუთვნილია სკანირების მცირე ობიექტი, მას შეუძლია ნათლად სკანირების ფაქტურის კაკალი რადიო, მონეტები და ა.შ.
    • Scanning data will be saved automatically, no effect to the operation time.
    • Adopting LED cold light source, small heat, stable performance.
  • სტრუქტურირებული ნათელი 3D scanner- 3DSS-CUST4M-III

    სტრუქტურირებული ნათელი 3D scanner- 3DSS-CUST4M-III

    3D scanner 3DSS-CUST4M-III

    დააკონფიგურიროთ 4-eye 3D სკანერები

    Many groups of camera lens can be used, large range scanning can be realized.

    ერთობლივი ავტომატურად, მხარს უჭერს აირჩიეთ საუკეთესო მონაცემების გადახურვის წერტილი ღრუბელი მონაცემები.

    სკანერი არის დააკონფიგურიროთ მიხედვით ზომის ობიექტი.

  • Structured light 3D scanner-3DSS-MIRG4M-III

    Structured light 3D scanner-3DSS-MIRG4M-III

    Structured light 3D scanner-3DSS-MIRG4M-III is a Mirage series 4-eye 3D scanner.


    • Two sets of camera lenses can be used
    • No need to adjust and calibrate again, convenient and time saving
    • Capable of scanning both large objects and small accurate objects
    • Main body is made of carbon fiber, higher thermal stability
  • Handheld 3d Scanner- 3DSHANDY-22LS

    Handheld 3d Scanner- 3DSHANDY-22LS

    3DSHANDY-22LS is a handheld 3d scanner with light weight (0.92kg) and is easy to carry.

    14 laser lines + additional 1 beam scanning deep hole + additional 7 beams to scan details, a total of 22 laser lines.

    Fast scanning speed, high precision, strong stability, dual industrial cameras, automatic marker splicing technology and self-developed scanning software, ultra-high scanning accuracy and work efficiency.

    This product has been widely used in the field of reverse engineering and three-dimensional inspection. The scanning process is flexible and convenient, suitable for various complex application scenarios.

  • სტრუქტურირებული ნათელი 3D სკანერი-3DSS-MIRG-III

    სტრუქტურირებული ნათელი 3D სკანერი-3DSS-MIRG-III



    3DSS სერია მაღალი სიზუსტით 3D სკანერი

    High სკანირების სიჩქარე, ერთ სკანირების დროს არის არანაკლებ 3 წამი.

    მაღალი სიზუსტით, ერთ სკანირება შეიძლება შეაგროვოს რაოდენობა 1 მლნ.

    Main body is made of carbon fiber, higher thermal stability.

    დაპატენტებული გამარტივებაში მსოფლმხედველობა დიზაინი, ლამაზი, მსუბუქი და გამძლე.